
Virechana is expelling the vitiated doshas and toxins through purgation. This therapy can be conducted as an individual detoxification therapy or as a follow up therapy next to vamana to ensure complete detoxification. Virechana is a painless and easiest procedure. Complications are usually very rare in this therapy. This detoxification method helps to expel toxins and vitiated doshas from blood, liver and intestines. Usual panchakarma preparatory methods like snehana and swedana should be completed before inducing purgation .
Virechana is induced by administering herbal purgatives in morning between 8 am to 9 am, when pitta dosha is dominant. Patient is made to drink warm water repeatedly as he passes stools. Patient is later rehabilitated to his regular diet and lifestyleVirachana therapy is defined as the medicated purgation therapy, which cleanses the Pitta and purifies blood, by clearing the toxins from the body. The treatment concentrates on the toxins that are accumulated in the liver and gall bladder. The gastro-intestinal tract is also cleansed by virachana therapy.
While performing the Virechana karma, the vitiated doshas are eliminated through the rectum. The drugs used for the purgation therapy are vitiate the doshas and bring them into the abdomen. During the procedure, the patient is subjected to Oleation first, then Fomentation, which is followed by Emisis and Samsarjana Karma (post operative). The internal Oleation is followed for three to seven days. Thereafter, a medicated steam bath is performed for three days. A light and warm diet is prescribed for the patient, a day before starting Virechana karma. However, certain factors like body and mind constitution, age of the person, mental condition should be considered, while opting for Virechana karma. Virechan therapy aims at cleansing the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, kidneys, stomach, liver and spleen. A number of herbs are used for the treatment, which serve as laxative and should be prescribed by a Ayurvedic practitioner, the diet during this treatment is also prescribed by the practitioner So that threapy proves beneficial for the patient.
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